Annual Members Meeting (October 2024)

Dear WCA Community,

The Board is providing notice as required by Bylaw 2.12 of the Annual Meeting of WCA members which will be held on October 19 at 0300 UTC. Members will be able to tune into this meeting via a livestream hosted on the WCA’s Twitch. In this folder, you will find the information packet related to the annual meeting which contains all relevant documentation which will be discussed at the meeting.

We look forward to your participation in the upcoming annual meeting.

Source:: worldcubeassociation

WIC Digest 2024-Q3

Dear WCA Community,

As of August 1st, 2024, the WCA Integrity Committee (WIC) was established as part of an amendment to the Motions. The WDC and WEC were merged and the WIC has taken on the role of both committees, with additional responsibilities. You can find more details in a recent announcement here.

The WIC has been hard at work behind the scenes merging the two committees while ensuring that cases close in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience as we continue to adapt to the new workflow and learn to support each other with team members coming from various places within the WCA. You can find a full list of current members here.

With this merger, the WIC will continue to update the community on a quarterly basis with disciplinary cases. In the last quarter, the WIC and WDC combined opened 23 disciplinary cases and closed 17. This resulted in four bans and three warnings. Thirteen cases ended with no action, upholding a delegate ruling in a dispute, or otherwise deferred back to delegates to manage locally. Below, you can find summaries of some notable cases.

  • A judge called over a delegate regarding a competitor turning their puzzle during inspection. The competitor initially denied doing it intentionally, but later admitted to the delegates that they had turned intentionally and provided a list of competitions and events where they had also turned during inspection. The WIC believed the competitor was honest about when the behavior began. The competitor received a short ban and all affected results were disqualified.
  • A competitor and a judge were seen writing down an illegitimate time after the competitor was dissatisfied with the result. The two young participants were given a warning and the result was disqualified.
  • A competitor submitted a Fewest Moves solution that did not appear legitimate, as it did not follow typical methods. After confrontation, the competitor admitted to using their phone to find a solution and as well as doing so on past attempts, but not all attempts. The WIC disagreed as to when the competitor began cheating, and disqualified additional solves we believed were affected. The competitor received a short ban.
  • A delegate reported a competitor potentially engaging in bullying behavior, including racial remarks and physically harming the other competitor. The WIC learned this behavior has been ongoing for quite some time. The aggressor did not deny the behavior, but denied the severity of their behavior. The competitor received a short ban.
  • The WIC closed three cases involving blindfold peeking. Two cases did not have enough evidence to conclusively prove or disprove cheating. The last case involved a delegate ruling being disputed after the delegate(s) disqualified an attempt under suspicions of cheating. After reviewing the evidence, the WIC agreed with the delegate’s conclusions.
  • Finally, the WIC had two competitors come forward to confess results they achieved illegitimately by taking advantage of distracted or inexperienced judges. The results were disqualified but no further action was taken. The WIC is grateful for these competitor’s honesty.

Do you have questions for the WIC? Feel free to send us an email, or ask your question in the Disciplinary section of the WCA forum (to be updated to Integrity soon!).

Source:: worldcubeassociation

WAC Leader Announcement (September 2024)

We are happy to announce that we have a new Committee Leader. Rui Reis will become the new Leader of the WCA Appeals Committee (WAC)

Rui was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote, as described in Section 5 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams. The promotion is active as of 14 September 2024.

We thank Stone Amsbaugh for the work he has done for the WEC and as interim leader of WAC, and wish Rui best of luck in fulfilling his new duties.

Rui was the only applicant for the role, and his successful candidacy document can be found here.

Source:: worldcubeassociation

Amendments to the Motions Approved (September 2024)

The World Cube Association is governed by a comprehensive set of documents, including the By-Laws, Motions and Policies. The WCA motions define the many functions of the WCA internal operations.

On August 1st 2024, the WCA voting staff approved a comprehensive and wide-ranging set of changes to the motions. Below, we have highlighted the most noticeable changes that impact the broader WCA community:

  1. Formation of the WCA Integrity Committee: The WCA Disciplinary Committee and the WCA Ethics Committee have been merged to create the WCA Integrity Committee (WIC) which will oversee the WCA Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. The scope of investigation of this committee has been expanded to also investigate WCA Community members and Regional Organizations, in addition to WCA Staff and Registered Speedcubers. To report any alleged violations or to discuss either of these documents, please contact
  2. Formation of the WCA Appeals Committee: The WCA’s system of appeals has had a significant uplift with the formation of the WCA Appeal Committee. The WCA Appeals Committee is made up of experienced WCA staff members, who hear all appeals received from disputes. In addition, aspects of the appeal process have also been clarified, with grounds for appeals formally outlined and the definition for the conclusion of an appeal case updated.
  3. Removal of the WCA Advisory Council: The WCA Advisory Council was formed as a body to facilitate bilateral communication between WCA Staff and the broader community. However, it was ultimately realized that this role is best served by WCA Staff rather than by non-staff members of a council. As a result, the WCA Advisory Council has been dissolved, with the duties and selected members integrated into the WCA Communication Team.
  4. Introduction of the WCA Major Championship Team (WMCT): This motion change involves the creation of a new WCA Major Championship Team, who will assist in coordinating and improving the quality of WCA Major Championships. The Championship selection committee will include WMCT Representatives and reduce the workload of the WCA Board and WCA Senior Delegates & Team/Committee leaders.
  5. Changes to Financial Governance: The roles of WCA Treasurer and WCA Financial Committee (WFC) Leader have been split to improve the WCA’s financial governance. The Treasurer will be responsible for the WCA finances overall, while the WFC Leader will be responsible for oversight of WFC activities and programs including the Equipment Funding program, Regional Organization Funding program, Travel Funding program and the WCA Dues system.

We believe that these changes will improve the WCA’s operations and governance. If you have any queries about the WCA Motions, please contact the WCA Communication Team (

Source:: worldcubeassociation

WFC Leader Announcement (September 2024)

We are happy to announce that we have a new Committee Leader. Edward Hollingdale will become the new Leader of the WCA Financial Committee (WFC). Edward was already working as the Committee’s, interim leader

Edward was selected by the WCA Board by voting, as described in Section 5 of WCA Motion 10.2024.0. The promotion is active as of 25 August.

We extend our support and best wishes to Edward as he takes on his new responsibilities.

Edward was the only applicant for the role and his successful candidacy document can be seen here.

Source:: worldcubeassociation